domingo, 4 de julio de 2021


Doctors claim Escozine gives positive results in Covid-19 and cancer patients


        They emphasize that the drug strengthens the immune system

Santo Domingo, R.D.-Several doctors affirmed that the natural product Escozine is giving positive results in many patients who have side effects, after being vaccinated against the coronavirus and people suffering from different types of cancer.


Doctors Alberto Calderón, in charge of the emergency area of the Cruz Jiminián Clinic and Boby Solomón, general practitioner, indicated that the drug made from scorpion venom and other natural components acts to strengthen the immune system, avoiding the affection of the virus.

“Escozine is a product that we have been using for several years, because it strengthens the immune system which prevents opportunistic diseases, such as viruses or cancer from affecting the patient, we also use it in people with symptoms of Covid-19 and it has been very good results ”, assured the health professionals.


The drug developed by the Medolife Corporation company, whose studies were accepted by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has the industrial and sanitary registration of health institutions in the Dominican Republic.

It is recalled that the prominent doctor and philanthropist, Félix Cruz Jiminian, who was recognized as "The Father of Health" in the country, for his contributions and dedication saving lives, revealed last week that he has administered the natural drug Escozine to more than one thousand patients affected by cancer and Covid-19, achieving favorable results.

This product is being marketed in various pharmaceutical chains, among which are: Medicar GBC, Farma Value, Nereyda pharmacy, among others.

viernes, 2 de julio de 2021


The father of the Dominican nation's health; Dr. Cruz Jiminian exhorted the Christian population to cover with his prayers a man of lights such as the Apostle Christopher

The father of the health of the Dominican nation called on the Dominican Christian population to cover with their prayers who he considers a great man of lights, Dr. Apóstol José Cristopher.

In a speech that took place at the Cruz Jiminian clinic, the Father of Health of the Dominican nation signed the pact of national unity between the Cruz Jiminian foundation, the Dios de Pacto foundation and the Rey de Reyes apostolic ministry, in favor of the evangelical Christian churches and the most disadvantaged sectors.

In addition, Dr. Cruz Jiminian asked Apostle José Cristopher to begin to work strongly in the union of the Christian sector at the national level, order and provide identity to the evangelical Christian people, which in this pact is represented by Dr. Apóstol José Cristopher.

The Apostle José Cristopher asserted that with this pact a great work will begin at the national level in which even the smallest evangelical Christian churches in the country will benefit, and that the nation will be traveled carrying the good news and the aid that can be provided through this pact.

Apostle José Cristopher ¨This is a pact provided by God to bring refreshment to the churches of the Dominican Republic, the Father of health has known our most transparent intentions to serve the nation and it is what has given us favor before God and the men to achieve this union and that dream of uniting the evangelical Christian church of the Dominican Republic will come true in the name of Jesus.

jueves, 1 de julio de 2021


Dr. Cruz Jiminian is declared the father of the health of the Dominican nation in the historic event of the signing of the Pact of National Unity.

Dr. Cruz Jiminian was recognized and declared as the Father of Health of the Dominican nation by the Fundación Dios de Pacto, the Rey de Reyes Apostolic Ministry and MEDOLIFE COORPORATION in an event held at the facilities of the Cruz Jiminian Clinic in Cristo Rey, in the Dominican capital.

In addition to the declaration as the father of the country, the representatives of the organizations that recognized the doctor, such as the Apostle José Cristopher, president of the God of Pact Foundation and Apostle of the King of Kings apostolic ministry, asserted "This recognition is more than deserved For a man who has given everything for nothing in the Dominican Republic, who has always had his heart in the people and in those most in need, today we also signed the Pact of National Unity in favor of the Evangelical Christian Churches and the most people in need."

Likewise, Dr. Artur Makelyan expressed "It is an honor to make this recognition to Dr. Cruz Jiminian since I not only know his career but I also know his dedication, without expecting anything in return."

Dr. Cruz Jiminian was very grateful for this recognition and said that a new philanthropic phase is expected, destined mainly to the Evangelical Christian Churches without forgetting the less favored population of all sectors of the country.

The Father of Health of the Dominican nation and nations, Dr. Cruz Jiminian has done a work in favor of protecting the most needy of the Dominican nation and men like Dr. Apóstol José Cristopher and Dr. Artur Makelyan recognize their trajectory and add their own work to the work of the Father of Health, a historical union that favors the country.

El Dr. Cruz Jiminian es declarado el padre de la salud de la nación Dominicana en el evento histórico de la firma del Pacto de la Unidad Nacional.

El Dr. Cruz Jiminian es declarado el padre de la salud de la nación Dominicana en el evento histórico de la firma del Pacto de la Unidad Nacional.

El Dr. Cruz Jiminian fue reconocido y declarado como el Padre de la Salud de la nación Dominicana por parte de la Fundación Dios de Pacto, el Ministerio apostólico Rey de Reyes y MEDOLIFE COORPORATION en un evento realizado en las instalaciones de la Clínica Cruz Jiminian en Cristo Rey, en la capital Dominicana.

Además de la declaración como el padre de la patria los representantes de las organizaciones que reconocieron al galeno como lo fue el Apóstol José Cristopher presidente de la Fundación Dios de Pacto y Apóstol del ministerio apostólico Rey de Reyes, aseveró " Este reconocimiento esta mas que merecido para un hombre que ha dado todo a cambio de nada en la República Dominicana, que siempre ha tenido el corazón en el pueblo y en los mas necesitados, hoy firmamos también El Pacto de la Unidad Nacional en favor de las Iglesias Cristianas evangélicas y los mas necesitados."

Así mismo el Dr. Artur Makelyan expresó "Es un honor hacer este reconocimiento al Dr. Cruz Jiminian ya que no solo conozco su trayectoria sino también conozco su entrega, sin esperar nada a cambio."

El Dr. Cruz Jiminian estuvo muy agradecido con este reconocimiento y dijo que se espera una nueva etapa filantrópica destinada principalmente a las Iglesias Cristianas Evangélicas sin olvidar a a la población menos favorecida de todos los sectores del país.

El Padre de la Salud de la nación Dominicana y las naciones, el Dr. Cruz Jiminian ha hecho una labor en favor de proteger a los mas necesitados de la nación Dominicana y hombres como el Dr. Apóstol José Cristopher y el Dr. Artur Makelyan reconocen su trayectoria y suman sus labores propias a la labor del Padre de la Salud, una unión histórica   que favorece al país.

The Pink Movement spreads its wings and expands to the Dominican Republic

The Pink Movement, which has been working hard in the United States, expands with the support of the vision nation project and the Cooperati...